By Dallas Humphrey

Everyone longs to make great use of their time, and we at the H. Co want to help you do that. Whether you are a working parent or a single power-move-making entrepreneur you want the time you spend on your passions to count. Make the most impact with the least amount of wasted time by following these 5 easy techniques. These will help you be more productive with the time you have and as we all know time is money.

  1. Plan of attack!
    Before you can slay the beast, you must plan your attack. In order to make every minute count and for you to reach the highest level of productivity, you must strategize. Determine what work you must accomplish by making a list. Once you have the list, break down the steps you need to do in order to complete each item. I know this sounds simplistic, and that’s because it is! Simple yet so important.“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
    Benjamin Franklin


  1. Name those minutes!
    Don’t let them run rampant while you sit in a daze wondering where the day went.“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.”
    Zig ZiglarThe method you choose to organize your day is up to you, the point is to choose a method and not just let the day play out. One very popular method is block scheduling. This method utilizes blocks of time assigned to tasks or activities and generally organized based on importance and timeline. To learn more about how to block schedule check out this great article by The Work At Home Woman here Block Scheduling.


  1. Simplify your space!
    A cluttered desk leads to a cluttered mind. It happens to all of us, frantically digging through a pile of papers trying to find that perfect sketch. All the while wasting time until finally you give up and just start the sketch from scratch. An important aspect to a smooth and productive day is a clean and organized workspace.“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”
    Benjamin Franklin


  1. Sound of Silence….
    Find your zone and live in it. You know you best, some of us work best with yelling kids swirling around us and others need absolute silence. Whether you enjoy motivational podcasts flowing through your earbuds, ocean sounds or rock and roll, find your favorite sound, even if it’s silence. Once you get in that zone, set up camp and stay a while. At The H. Co we offer private offices, a co-working space with music and even a family center so you can work without guilt right next to your family.“Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there.”
    Gary Snyder


  1. Up, Up and away!
    Studies have shown that you are more productive when you stop working and step away from your work. One such study completed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UOI Study) shows that even small diversions from a task can dramatically increase the ability to focus and be productive. Not only does this allow you to reset but also allows for a period of rest. Your brain, like any other muscle, needs time to rest between extended periods of exertion. Be intentional about taking breaks, walk around, enjoy a stroll outside. Remember #2? Yep, include breaks!


Ultimately, pay attention to your own work style and customize your habits to be more productive in the way that works best for you. What are your favorite productivity techniques?