Creating a Productive Workspace

By Amy Moyer How much thought are we putting into our work environment? The wall color, music we play, the comfort of our chair, and even the lighting can make a difference. The importance of building a productive work space and atmosphere is often overlooked. While...
Meet Dr. Marcine Adams!

Meet Dr. Marcine Adams!

Dr. Marcine Adams has been a member at The H. Co since we opened in June. She owns an education and tutoring company, How About Learning! We asked Marcine some questions to get to know a little bit more about her business and herself.  How would you best describe your...
Reasons to Define Your Potential Customers

Reasons to Define Your Potential Customers

By Amy Moyer When starting a new business or trying to grow an existing one, we get excited about new potential customers and clients. We are welcoming and happy they want to work with us. Not only to get the momentum rolling but to get revenue coming in.  I find with...